GARDEN TOUR – Organise a group?
“Walk and Talk”
A guided tour in Earthkeepers Edible and Medicinal landscape.
Purposeful garden designs. Identifying plants and their usage.
The layout of the veggie patch is companion planted for bio-diverse activity and to produce food everyday of the year. It is a simple design. Filled with ideas for growing food in a backyard, courtyard or balcony.
- It is enclosed to keep out large birds but not small birds.
- The area design specifically creates several micro-climates for all year production and harvesting.
- Medical and kitchen herbs. Including the African culinary (delicious) geraniums.
- Garden beds made with recycled or secondhand materials. e.g. water tanks, washing and clothes dryer bowls.
- Garden beds and their bedding materials are thermal conductors.
- Rhubard species from five countries.
- Wild strawberries from France, Netherlands, Germany and British Isles underplant Currants, Dwarf apples.
- Asparagus bed with globe artichoke, (herb) golden rod) and red sorrel.
- Berries – raspberry boysenberry, marionberry, thornless blackberry, midyim berry.
- Pepino melon and several varieties of culinary sage.
- Bio-diverse activity throughout the year: – edible flowers, medicinal and culinary herbs.
Food forest: 4 zones fenced and gated.
- Easy access to one area at a time while chickens and ducks graze.
- Using animals in the landscape to weed, fertilise and clean up debris.
- Ducks – care for the banana zone and the Citrus zone.
- Chickens care for the temperate and cold climate fruit trees.
- Chickens and ducks operate in two yard to minimise disruption to landscape.
- Chicken housing is part of the efficient design.
Compost, seed raising, home made fertiliser system.
Season: October to May
Duration: 2-2.5 hours Cost: $50pp. Tutor: Judith Collins
Bookings: 5 min. 15/20max. (Not suitable for young children)
COURSES – Organise a group?
Season: October to May
Times: 9am – 12.30pm Cost $45pp.
Tutor: Judith Collins
Bookings: 8min. 20max.
Location: Earthkeepers, Function Room.
- Growing and Using Herbs
- The Twelve Months Harvest – How to grow Home Grown Food Every day of the Year.
- Companion Planting for Bio-diversity, beneficial insects and bees.
- Animals in an Organic Edible Garden.
- How to Harvest and Store home Grown Food
- How to prepare and protect your garden from Climate Change disruptions.
- Making compost and home made fertiliser and insect repellant.
- Climate Change – Home Retrofit for low cost and no cost and save money on bills.