Testimonial post uses post format „Quote“ and it is styled differently. For „quotes“ posts it is possible to change colors from inside WordPress customizer. Color change will than effect all the „quote“ posts and also other text and backgrounds with the same color as testimonial box…
Anariel Design – About Quote Format Post, 2013

Quote Post

Post Format: Gallery

Post Format: Standard Sticky

This theme uses WordPress feature called „Post Formats“. Using „Post Formats“ posts can be styled differently and independently of each other. This post, for example, is a „standard post“ format that is marked as „sticky post“.

„Sticky“ post always comes as a first post and it is usually used to highlight an important post.
More about „sticky“ post can be found here : codex.wordpress.org/sticky-posts.

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Post without featured image

Fusce a ante nisl, vitae pretium enim. Nunc imperdiet iaculis augue nec porta! Phasellus congue sapien eget libero ornare lobortis. Aliquam sit amet nulla velit, in posuere tellus. Nulla ut orci lorem. Donec in lectus orci, sed dignissim lacus. Praesent lectus diam, sodales at commodo sodales, hendrerit sit amet justo. Morbi a risus urna. Ut in lorem at nisi ultricies semper? Mauris imperdiet sem euismod ligula pulvinar hendrerit.

Ut nisi nulla, consequat iaculis mollis non, fringilla ut justo. Vestibulum pharetra molestie fringilla. Donec elementum ligula sed turpis commodo tristique. Suspendisse cursus posuere eros at auctor. Nulla facilisi. Sed vitae aliquam orci. Ut lobortis, felis sed viverra egestas, sem velit dapibus maur.

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