GROW YOUR FAVOURITE TOMATO simply every year !!

Step. 1 Half fill a medium to large pot with a mixture of compost and potting mix.
Step. 2 Slice your favourite tomato thickly and place slices in a circular pattern in the pot.
Step. 3 Lightly cover tomato slices with potting mix.
Step. 4 Water with a liquid fertiliser.
Step. 5 Cover lightly with sugar can mulch .
Step. 6 Within seven to ten days tomato plant shoots will appear. Let them grow until they develop leaves . Seperate and transplant in the garden.
At the end of each tomato growing season, I keep a firm, healthy tomato to create plants for the new season. Its a great method for succession planting. I have another important reason for doing this. For fifty years I have witnessed, and come to believe that familiarity and adaptability is stored in its growth memory.
The home grown tomato knows, and has adapted to growing in your garden soil. It has acclimatised to the season, rainfall, wind and fluctuating temperatures. Furthermore, year after year it is better prepared for the next season. For fifty four years, I have had, five heritage varieties of tomatoes that have accompanied me on the journey of sustainable living.

In a clean bucket with a lid, place vegetable peelings. Fill two thirds with water. Let it steep for one to two days. Scoop out the soggy vegetable peelings and place in your compost bin a. Or give to chickens to have fun pecking and scratching.
Suitable Vegetable peeling mixture – zucchini, carrot, parsnips, beetroot, potato, sweet potato, onion, celery, capsicum, mushroom, swede, and turnip. To create an additional richness, add apple skins or banana skins.
Mix one third crushed eggs shells and two thirds wood ash. Mix thoroughly.
Burnt vine prunings and fruit tree prunings, produce a nutrient rich wood ash. Egg shells add calcium to the mix.
Eggs shells can be dried in an oven and then crushed in a blender and stored in a jar. Wood ash can be kept in bucket and sealed with a lid.
Dig the hole for the tomato. Add one third of the ash mix. Plant the tomato. Top with soil. Add a thin layer of the ash mixture. Lightly fork to mix.

Cut one medium tomato into four to six pieces. Drizzle honey over to cover tomatoes pieces. Add a
squeeze of lime or lemon juice. Toss gently to mix. Consume tomatoes and the honey juice mixture. If the sore throat continues, make up a fresh tomato mix.

When cutting tomatoes, saved the top of the tomato for a quick, and easy refreshening facial scrub. Making sure the the tomato top is not cut too thinly. Place the cut end facing upwards. Sprinkle with fine crystallised sugar. Press the sugar into the tomato. Let stand 1 min. Place the cut end firmly on your chin. In circular motions rub the tomato over your cheeks, forehead and along the sides and top of your nose. Avoid the eyes. Discard Tomato. Wipe you face with a wet clean cloth.

Cut a firm medium tomato in half. Add two teaspoon of sugar to the tomato. Using your thumb push
the sugar into the tomato. Using light pressure, place the tomato on the top of your hands, working in a circular motion. Then work the tomato in circular motions in the palm of your hands. Discard tomato. Wash you hands with warm soapy water. Pat dry.

Tomato foot scrubs can help remove dead skin cells and improve the appearance of your skin. Tomatoes contain vitamin C, antioxidants that can be beneficial for your skin.
In a bowl, mix the juice of one tomato with one to two tablespoon rice flour. Add one teaspoon of coarse salt and two teaspoons of honey. Stir, to make a paste. If too fluid, add a little more rice flour. One at a time, apply the paste to your feet and massage in a circular motion. The rice flour and salt exfoliates. The honey provides hydration and moisturisation.